Bloom Energy
Lewes, Delaware
Bloom Energy, Inc. awarded JJID, Inc. the contract for the construction of a The Red Lion Energy Fuel Cell Project. The project duration is on a fast track basis in order to allow Bloom Energy to be able to tie into the Red Lion Substation during a five day window of time mandated by the State of Delaware.
JJID had to work with challenging Site Conditions that included Hurricane Sandy as well as a Tornado. JJID cleared three (3) acres of trees and vegetation, excavated and embanked 14,000 cys of dirt, stripped and replaced 5000 cys of topsoil, installed 1700 lf of storm drain, placed over 19000 tons of crushed concrete and quarry stone and created 2 bio retention areas with over 2000 cys of mulch and media in a condensed 6 month time frame.