NVF Wetlands
Yorklyn, Delaware
DNREC (Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control) awarded JJID, Inc. the contract for the complex Remediation of the former grounds of the NVF (National Vulcanized Fabric) manufacturing facility in Yorklyn Delaware. Known as the “Big Dig” because of the sheer volume of the undertaking with over 325,000 pounds of Zinc (162 Tons) being removed in the extracted soil. The project duration was six months until substantial completion which exceeded the expectation of all parties involved due to the complexity of the soil remediation.
JJID had to deal with highly contaminated soil in a High-Risk work area where ground water contamination and open water source contamination- were of top concern. JJID excavated and removed an estimated 23,000 cys of contaminated soil, 4800 cys of concrete and steel from old structures, replaced 3300 cys of topsoil, placed over 7000 cys of fill, placed over 350 tons of Stone, created a new stream and drainage system, created runoff areas for Red Clay Creek, seeded for grass and planted new trees in a condensed 6-month time frame.